The Heimlich Hustle

Married couple Julius (Malcolm Galea) & Rose (Angele Galea) are trying to save up money for another round of IVF when they let Miro (Davide Tucci) a young artist into their lives. Miro convinces them to try a crazy scheme in order to make the money they need for the treatment. Before long their relationship is tested by a combination of media attention self-reflection and accidental death.
‘The Heimlich Hustle’ is directed by Chiara Hyzler and written by Malcolm Galea. It stars Malcolm Galea Angele Galea Davide Tucci and Myron Ellul.

“Tucci painted a portrait of contemporary art and artists - showcasing the question of whether contemporary art is akin to ‘animal by-products’ or ‘a blueprint of a tortured and layered soul.’”
The Times of Malta, 21st April 2024.

Review: ‘The Heimlich Hustle’: Chekhov’s Pringle
“Malcolm Galea is truly a master of dark comedy, as clearly shown in this production. Hyzler’s eye for detail in micro expressions, lighting, and the minutest gestures between actors produced an expertly directed production.
I enjoyed the Ocean’s Eleven-esque scheme concocted by Julius together with his wife and their new shared Macedonian lover. The synchronised ballet of Pringles and Heimlich manoeuvres ensued, each actor bouncing their lines from one another at the right pace for tension to be built, culminating into Miroslav choking on sour-cream-and-onion-flavoured Pringles.
The actors played an intense vocal tennis match, jumping from one line to another, pushing the audience into a roaring applause once the hustle was a success.”
Full review by The Times of Malta: https://timesofmalta.com/article/review-the-heimlich-hustle-chekhov-pringle.1091215