I’m a
Film, Theater & TV Actor working in Europe
Who’s mostly in Valletta, Malta & Rome, Italy.
//English 🇬🇧
Davide Tucci was born in Sora, Italy to an Italian father and Maltese mother, and lived his first years in Isola Del Liri (FR), after which his family moved to the sunny Maltese Islands. Between projects he loves traveling, cooking, practising any kind of sport and spending time in nature - he is also very passionate about fitness, design & technology. On sunny days & when possible, he can be generally found reading a book by the sea.
//Italiano 🇮🇹
Davide Tucci è nato a Sora (FR) Italia. Si trasferí con suo padre, italiano e sua madre, maltese, sull’isola estiva di Malta da bambino dopo aver vissuto i suoi primi anni a Isola Del Liri (FR). Tra una produzione e l’altra ama viaggiare, cucinare, praticare qualsiasi tipo di sport e trascorrere del tempo in natura, ed è anche molto appassionato di fitness, design e tecnologia.
//Malti 🇲🇹
Davide Tucci mwieled f'Sora, l-Italja minn missier Taljan u omm Maltija, u wara li għex l-ewwel snin tiegħu ta ħajtu f'Isola Del Liri (FR), hu u l-familja tiegħu marru jgħixu fil-Gżejjer Maltin. Bejn proġett u ieħor jħobb jivvjaġġa, jsajjar, jipprattika kull tip ta’ sport u jqatta’ ħin fin-natura – huwa wkoll appassjonat ħafna dwar fitness, disinn u teknoloġija.
His Journey
Davide works in three languages: English, Italian and Maltese and has always had an affinity with the arts. In 2009, He was introduced to the world of theatre through the role of Georg Zirschnitz in the musical “Spring Awakening” after which his career focused for a few years to the world of fashion & modelling in Europe representing a number of international brands.
He has taken on various roles for Maltese, gaining the love and support of audiences, as well as international Film and TV productions - among which, to name a few are: “Katrina"; “Iċ-Ċaqqufa”; “L-Għarusa”; “Division 7”; “Dangerous Arrangement”; “Limestone Cowboy”; “Il-Miraklu Ta Ħal-Saflieni”; “God’s Soldiers”; “Chalet” - some of which are available for streaming on Tokis. You also can watch Davide on the 2nd season of “Barbarians” on Netflix as Septimus & as Hans Christian on the 7th season of the beloved Italian series “Un Passo Dal Cielo” on RAI1 & RaiPlay.
Davide has also worked on numerous contemporary stage productions work such as “Jiena Nhobb, Inti Thobb”, “Faith, Hope u Charity”, “Marti Martek, Martek Marti”; “Balzunetta Towers”; “Raymond ‘Fight’ Beck”; as Toni Taghna in the acclaimed musical “Il-Kbir Ghadu Gej” - breaking all Maltese box-office records; as well as classical theatre with his role as Demetrius in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and more recently as Jack Worthing in “The Importance of Being Earnest”, at the National Theatre of Malta.
Currently, Davide is working on numerous projects in Film, Theatre & TV between Rome, Italy and Malta. You can follow his journey on his only personal official channels on Instagram & Facebook.