Caroline (Simone Spiteri) is at her wit’s end. She is going through a rough time and feels like she has lost everything of value in her life. While clearing out her father’s house, after his passing, she comes across an old LP with a strange message that leads her to Oliver’s (Alvin Cacciattolo) door.
This is where they stumble upon a decades-long story of the previous owner, Lippu (Davide Tucci) and discover a hidden stash of memorabilia. Journeying back to Chalet’s heyday in the 1930s, Caroline and Oliver relive the passion, glamour, mystery and tragedy of Chalet through Lippu’s eyes.
Produced by Sharpshoot Media & GO

"Chalet" Trailer, GO Stars

“Ir-Rużinjol u l-Warda” - Chalet Episode 1

“Għoqiedi” - Chalet Episode 2
Watch the rest of Chalet on GO.com.mt

Lippu (Davide Tucci), our street-wise Maltese man with big ambitions to get himself out of the poverty he finds himself into back in a conflict-ridden 1939 Malta thorn between the Italian & English cultures it was formed by. Initially only involved in small petty crimes, he is singled out by Il-King (Paul Portelli) who takes a liking to him and brings him under his wing at the Chalet and where he first sets eyes on Karolina (Nadia Vella). Throughout the story of Chalet we will meet Lippu at various stages of his life as his life-story unravels in front of the audience’s eyes.